Maximizing Energy Efficiency: A Key to Boosting Your Bottom Line

Maximizing Energy Efficiency: A Key to Boosting Your Bottom Line

by Shawn Furman
Advanced Manufacturing Technology Manager

Shawn Furman

Shawn Furman

When your manufacturing facility falls silent for cleaning, maintenance, or holiday shutdowns, what’s the soundtrack? Is it the serene quiet of a library, or does the steady hum of HVAC systems and the steady hiss of compressed air leaks persist? More importantly, are you aware of the costs associated with air leaks, inefficient HVAC systems running 24×7, and antiquated lighting in your facility?

Now, picture your operation in full swing. Does it resemble a well-tuned orchestra, with equipment harmonizing effortlessly, or is it a cacophony of crashes, bangs, and grinding noises? The reality is, every disruption, every irregularity in your production process translates into unnecessary energy costs.

Let’s dive deeper into these issues:

  1. Compressed Air: Take advantage of quieter times to hunt down and repair leaks. Even a single audible leak could cost you up to $500 annually.
  2. Lighting: Upgrade to energy-efficient LED lighting and incorporate occupancy sensors to ensure lights are only on when needed. Look into available rebates to offset installation costs.
  3. HVAC Systems: Optimize your HVAC schedule and consider installing variable speed drives for more precise control over energy consumption. Set and maintain temperature levels to avoid unnecessary energy expenditure.
  4. Addressing New Noises: Any new sounds during production should be promptly investigated, both for safety and efficiency reasons. Delayed maintenance on noisy components only results in increased energy consumption and potential system failures.
  5. Opportunities abound:  These are just a few simple areas to start looking at energy efficiency improvements.  Look at how you use steam, water, and natural gas.  There are plenty of utility and state backed incentives and rebates to help you improve your energy efficiency! 

Even if your operation appears to be running smoothly, implementing a proactive maintenance plan is essential. Regularly monitoring temperatures on large motors and gearboxes can help identify potential issues before they escalate, ensuring optimal efficiency and longevity of your equipment.

Remember, every effort to enhance energy efficiency not only reduces operational costs but also contributes to a more sustainable and profitable manufacturing environment.

About the Author
For questions or a free consultation, you may contact Shawn Furman, Advanced Manufacturing Technology Strategy Manager at (610) 737-2529 or email him at

For more on implementing an effective maintenance program explore these programs offered by MRC: Maintenace Program or  Intro to PM and PdM,

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