Training Within Industry (TWI): A Time-Tested Tool for Modern Workforce Challenges

Training Within Industry (TWI): A Time-Tested Tool for Modern Workforce Challenges

by MRC Marketing

Training Within Industry (TWI) is a workforce development tool that offers valuable support for employee engagement and retention. In today’s workforce landscape, characterized by ongoing challenges, TWI provides a means to address manufacturing-specific issues while equipping new leaders with the skills to tackle workforce problems effectively. This article focuses on two core elements of TWI, Job Relations (JR) and Job Instruction (JI), and their impact on employee engagement and retention.

Job Relations (JR) creates a consistent, coachable methodology that enhances the ability to work with people, aiding in transitions from line worker to team leader and accelerating the onboarding of individuals into new roles. It fosters improved communication, resulting in higher morale and fewer personnel issues. JR-trained leaders are better equipped to resolve emerging issues before they become pervasive cultural problems.

Job Instruction (JI) acknowledges that being proficient at a task is different from being able to teach others to perform it. Proper training, which involves documenting processes, enables continuous improvement, reduces frustration, and boosts employee engagement by involving them in the process of making improvements.

TWI supports employee engagement and retention.

TWI supports key areas in the Baldrige Job Quality Index, including retaining high performers, promoting diversity and inclusion, demonstrating values through leadership actions, creating a sense of belonging among employees, encouraging open communication and idea-sharing, and allowing employees to express concerns without fear of retaliation. TWI also empowers employees to have a say in their work, contributes to worker safety, offers flexibility in work schedules, and supports career advancement.

TWI’s people-first approach extends beyond the shop floor, benefiting organizations in building trust and demonstrating their commitment to employees, ultimately enhancing engagement and retention. The Manufacturers Resource Center (MRC)  provides expertise in implementing TWI, helping organizations create a supportive and engaging work environment.

TWI teaches supervisors how to quickly train employees to do a job correctly, safely and conscientiously.

MRC’s TWI Job Instruction program offers hands-on learning, enhancing the skills of supervisors, team leaders, and anyone responsible for directing the work of others. The training establishes process stability, improves standardized work, and reduce errors and rework, ultimately benefiting organizations by streamlining training, fostering cooperation, and problem-solving efficiency.. The MRC TWI Job Instruction course Includes:

  • Correctly train team members which reduces training time
  • Generate cooperation and positive employee relations
  • Establish and maintain standardized work with improved methods
  • Solve problems efficiently and effectively
  • Deliver results with less scrap and rework

Unlock the power of Training Within Industry (TWI) and Job Instruction with MRC’s comprehensive training programs designed to equip your team with the essential skills required to lead, supervise and direct others. For more information, you may contact Gene Kaschak, VP, Continuous Improvement & Leadership Development Strategy at (484) 635-4405 or email him at

Read: 10 Ways TWI Supports Employee Engagement and Retention
by Phil Chadderdon, MEP Innovation Blog, 
Training Within Industry (TWI)  by NIST MEP

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