MRC News
Manufacturers Speak at Manufacturing Roundtable at PA Capitol
Manufacturing roundtable: Helping businesses grow and thrive Policy Committee and Manufacturing Caucus join industry leaders in State College Representative Mike Schlossberg House Democratic Caucus Administrator 32nd District / Lehigh County Representative Mike...
LV Becomes One of Top 50 Manufacturing Markets Nationally
Manufacturing output launches Lehigh Valley into national Top 50 market by Pamela Sroka-Holzmann The Lehigh Valley’s manufacturing output and its growth amid the coronavirus pandemic has launched the region into one of the Top 50 manufacturing...
Economist Not Worried About the Short Term
Economist tells Reading Chamber he’s not worried about the short term Jay Bryson, however, says serious conversations need to be had about the long term. READING EAGLE by WES CIPOLLA | PUBLISHED: December 7, 2021 at 2:54 p.m. Wells Fargo Chief Economist, Jay Bryson,...
Local Business Icon Award Goes to Dick Bus of ATAS International
ATAS President Receives Local Business Icon Award December 2, 2021 On November 4th, Dick Bus, President of ATAS International, received an Icon Honors award. The awards recognized Greater Lehigh Valley business leaders for their notable success and demonstration of...
Mussel Polymers, Inc. of Bethlehem Developing Glue That Sticks When Wet
The first product Mussel Polymers will be bringing to market is an adhesive designed to work with corals. It can be used by aquarium enthusiasts, but it can also be used for larger-scale reef repair.
Kitchen Magic Redesigns Operations
This is an inspirational story how Kitchen Magic redesigned operations and overcame the adversity of Covid utilizing virtual technology and changing their marketing and lead generation strategy. They did this by advertising heavily through different social media channels, on billboards and returned to the direct-mail advertising.
What’s So Cool About Manufacturing Begins 9th Year
What’s So Cool About Manufacturing Lehigh Valley begins ninth year By: Stacy WescoeOctober 27, 2021 9:51 am This article recently appeared in Over the next several months teams of seventh and eighth graders will meet with the manufacturers to learn about...
Cambridge-Lee Apprenticeship Program Awarded Grant
Cambridge-Lee Industries awarded grant for apprenticeship program by Chris Collingwood October 20, 2021 2:12 pm It's a pleasure to see that another of MRC's manufacturers is featured in an article. In 2017, Cambridge-Lee Industries developed and...
Martin Guitar Opens Brand New Warehouse
Martin Guitar opens newly built Tatamy warehouse WFMZ 69NEWS by Justin Backover Oct 19, 2021 C.F. Martin & Co. has officially opened its brand-new, state-of-the-art warehouse at 130 Commerce Lane in Tatamy, and the warehouse is close by to the company’s...
Meet Shelly McWilliams, President, Lehigh Valley Plastics
LVEDC Executive Series Interview Shelly McWilliams, President, Lehigh Valley Plastics Among the topics discussed in the interview were how the pandemic affected the company, recent investments in robotics and high-technology machinery, establishing pipelines with...
Research Funding for PA Manufacturing Now Available
Innovation funding now available for Pa. Manufacturers By: Stacy Wescoe October 7, 2021 9:01 am This article appeared at Any manufacturer wishing to participate and does not have a college or university partner can submit an application at...
Rich Hobbs talks Manufacturing with Lehigh Valley Business Journal
A Conversation With: Richard Hobbs, president and CEO of the Manufacturers Resource Center of the Lehigh Valley By: Stacy Wescoe October 5, 2021 11:11 am Stacy Wescoe, writer for the Lehigh Valley Business Journal checked in for a conversation with MRC President &...